
A message from the Governors

The School website is an up-to-date method of conveying information to parents and potential parents.

We congratulate those who have organised the web site and hope that it proves useful and dynamic as it develops. As this is an Aided school the Governing Body has legal responsibility for employing the Head and teaching staff.
The Governors have the responsibility of overseeing all policies of the school, the school development plan and for acting as referee in the event of dispute over pupil behaviour or potential complaint (in the event of the matter not being settled within the school)
Bronington is a Church in Wales School. Accordingly, the Foundation Governors represent the Church. They are nominated by the local Parochial Church Council and ratified by the Diocesan Board of Education.

We meet at least once each term – more frequently when staff changes are on the go. We receive reports from the Head on progress at school on all fronts.

The Governors have the wellbeing of everyone connected with our school at heart – that means children, parents, staff and Head (not necessarily in that order.)

We are all rightly proud of Bronington School and hope that it will continue to serve the community for many years to come.

The make-up of the Governing Body is as follows:-

Chair and Community Council representative: Mr Steve Swinden

Vice-Chair: Mrs. Vanessa Brodie LA Govern

Mrs Hannah Mullaney
Parent Foundation Governor

Miss Amber Lewis
Parent Foundation Governor

Mrs Beryl Barnett
Foundation Governor

Mr Jeremy Newton
Foundation Governor

Foundation Governor
Mr. Kevin Weston

Teacher Governor:
Mrs. Millie Jones

Non-Teacher Governor:
Miss. Mary Hockenhull

Parent Governor:
Mr Thomas Jupe

If you would like to express an interest in becoming part of the Governing Body please contact the school.
